Heidi Montag vs Victoria Beckham

Which vapid, plastic android would you rather have children with?

Heidi Montag (the female media hungry half of Speidi) whose recent plastic surgery have made her look just that...plastic...like a robot...a soulless attention slut robot. In addition to Heidi's plastic looks (from what I can tell she has fake boobs, fake lips, fake nose, fake cheek bones), she also lives a totally staged and faked life full of publicity stunts with her boyfriend/fake husband/robot programmer, Spencer Pratt.

Or would you rather reproduce with Victoria Beckahm? She is also very fake in some very obvious areas. Although she is probably not as soulless as Heidi, she is really scary and mean looking.

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Michael Jackson vs Marilyn Manson

This is perhaps the scariest match up, we've had to-date. Who would you rather reproduce and have children with, Michael Jackson or Marilyn Manson? Which creepy musician to pick...this is a tough one.

Michael Jackson, who has been accused of molesting young boys numerous times and has turned into a freaky white woman over the years?

Or Marilyn Manson, androgynous goth musician, who is known for dressing in crazy makeup with creepy eyes and teeth:

Thanks to William from Ramblings & Junk for this match up. If you have a match up you'd like to suggest, please leave a comment with your ideas.

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Janice Dickinson vs Courtney Love

Which strung out celeb would you rather have children with?

53 year old former supermodel, and now wacky reality tv star, Janice Dickinson:

Or 44 year old former singer, and now wacky former singer, Courtney Love:

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George Bush vs John McCain

Keeping with the political theme, would you rather reproduce with President George W. Bush or Senator John McCain?

George W. Bush is younger, but pretty much put the United States on a downward spiral.

John McCain would mean you'd have to get it on with an old guy, but on the bright side you'd probably breed baby mavericks.

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Sarah Palin vs Hilary Clinton

In anticipation of tomorrow's election, I have two political figures to choose from today. Alaska Governor, and vice presidential candidate, Sarah Palin. Or, New York Senator, and former democratic contender, Hilary Clinton. Remember, you're not choosing the best looking person to fool around with, the name of the game is to choose who you would pick to re-populate the earth with if you were one of the last human beings on the planet.

So do you pick Sarah Palin with her gee-gosh conservative values?

Or Hilary Clinton, with liberal values, but risk catching something good old Bill passed along to her?

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