Barry Manilow vs Clay Aiken
If I was a middle aged woman, I would probably tear off my mom jeans faster than you can say "American Idol" to reproduce with either one of these lovely men. However, to me they just look like the same blonde gay/possibly gay man 35 years apart.
So which of these soft-rock adult contemporary crooners would you rather reproduce with? And more importantly, are you a Fanilow or Claymate?
Barry Manilow:
Clay Aiken:
Paula Abdul vs Kathie Lee Gifford
Which wacky, crazy tv host would you rather repopulate the earth with?
Paula Abdul
46 year old Paula Abdul is currently best known as the crazy pill-popping wackadoo host on American Idol. Other than acting crazy, Paula is best known for hit songs like "Straight Up"
Kathie Lee Gifford
55 year old Kathie Lee Gifford is best known as the former crazy co-host of Live With Regis and Kathie Lee and is now known as the crazy co-host on the Today show.
So tell me, is it going to be you and Paula or Kathie Lee forever? VOTE:
Steven Tyler vs Mick Jagger
Speaking of big lips, which aging rock star would you rather mate with?
Steven Tyler
63 year old big lipped Aerosmith singer Steven Tyler:
Mick Jagger
Or would you rather have kids with 65 year old Rolling Stones singer Mick Jagger:
Lisa Rinna vs Nikki Cox
When I was a kid, I thought that the giant wax candy lips I got at Halloween were awesome. But as an adult, it would look pretty ridiculous if I still wore them. That why I don't get why Lisa Rinna and Nikki Cox always wear them...oh wait...those are their real lips...they actually paid someone to make them look like that by injecting chemicals???
So which of these ridiculously giant lipped ladies would you rather mate with?
Lisa Rinna
Lisa recently admitted on the Today show that she had silicone injected into her upper lip 23 years ago....shocker, I know. Back in the day, when Lisa was Billie Reed a trouble singer in love with Bo Brad, I thought she looked good. But many years later, those silicone lips have taken a turn for the worse:
Nikki Cox
I don't know when Nikki Cox started looking like a weirdo, but it was sometime between Unhappily Ever After and marrying Jay Mohr Cox. Whenever it happened, she looks terrible with those lips:
So which pouty celeb would you rather? VOTE:
Prince vs Prince Charles
Which Prince would you rather mate with?
Prince, The Artist Formerly Known as Prince, O(+>
Prince is a wacky musician known for outrageous outfits, controversial songs, and changing his name to an unpronounceable symbol. It's important to note that this would probably stick you with a lot of diaper duties, since it's hard to call for a guy whose name can't be pronounced.
Prince Charles
Unlike the other Prince, Prince Charles is an actual prince. Although he doesn't seem like he'd be as much fun as the other Prince, Prince Charles of Wales (Charles Philip Arthur George), would be kinda cool to have kids with since they would become princes. But the whole cheating on Princess Diana thing makes him less desirable. Plus having the Queen Mum be your mother in law, or at least your baby-daddy's royal mom, doesn't seem like much fun. She doesn't strike me as a hands on Grandma who'd help with dirty diapers or feedings. And you'd also probably have to clean the house and hide the pringles before she came over since she's used to all that royal stuff. But on the other hand, that would be well worth it, if your kids get a stake in that inheritance.
Sharon Stone vs Melanie Griffith
There's nothing wrong with aging, I even happen to be doing it right now. But there's a difference between regular aging, and aging while kicking and screaming and trying to angrily beat off time demons who are trying to kidnap you to their ancient lair filled with metamucil and episodes of Murder She Wrote.
Such is the case of Sharon Stone and Melanie Griffith. At one time, they were good looking women who were flashing their hoo-ha's and marrying good looking Spaniards. But not so much anymore.
Sharon Stone, age 51, was once the star of Basic Instinct but now seems to lack instincts of when to stop having plastic surgery. Come'on Sharon, we can all see you've had plastic surgery and it's not holding up so well for you.
Melanie Griffith, also 51, is even a bigger culprit of this. I don't know about you, but I'd rather look old and human than like I'm made out of playdough.
So, who'd you rather make plastic surgery babies with, Sharon or Melanie? VOTE: